Lewis's Blog - Month 05

Lewis's Blog (Month 5)

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Months: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Week 19 & 20

Lewis is showing signs of teething and constantly has his hands in his mouth and is drooling all down his clothes (see soggy red jumper picture). So we dug out the bibs and are changing them frequently. Esther and Ben very kindly popped round with a few pressies for the boys. Lewis got some wrist toys with bugs on that rattle and some socks with bugs on, they help babies find their hands and feet. In Lewis’s case it’s just something else he can put in his mouth. Both boys got a play when Ruth came round one evening and we all had a trip to the library together.

Nik got away from work early one Friday afternoon, so we went to Sands of Forvie nature reserve and had a lovely walk along the coast to Hackley Bay. It was a beautiful deserted beach, even had a geocache site there too so off to find the treasure. Finlay was great walking miles only needed a lift on Nik’s shoulders on the return trip and Lewis was in the sling with Mummy both ways. At the weekend we went to Duthie Park with some of Finlay’s friends, where after the usual trip to see McPuddock the frog they all had a great time playing with a colourful parachute.

The following week saw the toddlers summer party, where great fun was had on the bouncy castle. The downside was on the Sunday Annie had to help in the annual toy clean. Lewis weighed in this week at 13lb 12oz.

We headed up to Portsoy on the Friday night for the Boat Festival and spent the night in the campervan next to the beach. We were treated to an amazing sunset, and Finlay even caught a few little fish in the rockpools with his fishing net. On the day of the boat festival, Finlay got to try his hand at sailing with Daddy’s help (compare with picture last year) and a go on a coracle all by himself. It was a beautiful sunny day and we had tea, play and bathtime with Ellen and Joseph while the Dads put the marquee up for the NCT summer party. So we were back to the Baguley’s the next afternoon and were treated again to beautiful sunny weather and Lewis had a lovely time lying in the sun while Finlay bounced on the trampoline, ran around and ate soil (he said soil got in his mouth when the worm jumped in!?!)

Finlay and Lewis have a cuddle.

Lewis, worn out after another hard day playing.

Lewis finding his hands and feet.

The beautiful and secluded Hackley Bay.

Finlay going rock pooling at Portsoy.

Drooling, and still smiling.

Sunset at Portsoy.

Lewis having an al-fresco breakfast.

Finlay's catch, a crab shell and small fish.

Finlay steers the tiller, sailing at Portsoy.

Finlay meets the Spotty Bag Shop mascot.

Finlay paddles a corricle.

Week 21 & 22

We were back playing with Ellen and Joseph on the Monday afternoon, after a morning swim. A trip to Inverurie garden centre saw us bumping into Rachel and her two children Euan and Alex who were most taken by Lewis. Annie organised for some of the Mums that go to the Newmachar baby and toddler group to come round and we spent a lovely time playing in the sun, or in Lewis’s case sleeping in the sun.

The weekend was spent at the Stonehaven Folk Festival, where Annie got to play in a folk session. The boys dashed through the rain to the Town Hall for some music, then along to St Margret’s Church to a children’s music session. We also went to the aqua ceilidh and a family music session on the Sunday.

Annie and the boys went to Imogen, Ken and Harvey’s new house to have a look around. Finlay and Harvey went bombing round the house on push-along or pedal cars, while Lewis had a lovely time rolling on a mat in the conservatory. Annie went to baby yoga on the Tuesday with Lewis which he really enjoyed. On the Friday we had Donna, Eva and baby James round. James is a couple of months younger than Lewis and Annie had hoped to get a photo of the two of them together, but James slept all morning, so next time. In the afternoon Lorna came round with Christina and Christina and Finlay had a great time playing outside on the playden, some balance boards and next doors trampoline. Lewis got lovely cuddles from Lorna.

The weekend saw us heading to the art gallery to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition, a perfect way to spend a soggy wet day. And then on the Sunday Rene and his son Chris came round to help build the swing set he had donated to us, that his kids use to use. As you can see from the picture Finlay was very happy with his new addition to the garden. Lewis chose to roll for the first time this weekend too, once over though he couldn’t get back again, but hey that will come. He is also showing a real interest in food now launching himself forward whenever there is any about. Only a few more weeks and we will be starting on the baby rice – yikes where has the last 6 months gone!

Playing with the parachute in the park.

Finlay roller skating.

Finlay in the playpark.

Finlay and Daddy at the Stonehaven Aqua Ceilidh.

Lewis is now in the big pram seat.

Lewis at the music workshop.


Finlay and Chris on the swing Rene built.

Finlay with a very large ice cream

from Aunt Bessie's.