Lewis's Blog - Month 14

Lewis's Blog (Month 14)

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Months: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Month 14

Well March was a very busy month. Annie had a three day training course in Edinburgh to become a baby yoga teacher. So Nik was left on his own for the best part of 3 days with the boys. They seemed to all survive okay, and then on the Friday they travelled on the train to Edinburgh to join up with Annie. We had a great weekend, meeting up with Damien and walking along the beach with his two dogs. We also hiked up Arthur's seat, although it was very windy at the top! And we visited the Museum of Scotland and meet up with Sian, and at the Museum Finlay got to dress up as a diver. Lewis enjoyed chasing fish across the floor that were being projected there by a computer.

We had a play-date with Christina, Finlay, James and JoJo and Lewis had great fun digging around the sandpit. This month it was Finlays turn for his birthday party which we held at Danestone Community Centre. Loads of Finlays nursery friends were there and we had a prince and princess theme so there were lots of great costumes.

Lewis has become a lot more mobile, and will walk from room to room if you hold his hands. He loves pushing his walker, the Scuttlebug or any other support aid around the house as he explores his increased mobility.

The other big excitement of March was getting our five chickens named as Spider-man, Winnie the Pooh, Eeyore, Handy and Bob – we did point out to Finlay that they are all girls, but he wanted them all to have boys names - oh well, never mind.

Tired out after a busy day

Great fun digging in the sandpit

Lewis being pushed on the swing by Finlay

This eating is tiring work

Having fun as a prince at Finlays birthday party

Finlays birthday party celebrations

Parachute and balloon fun

Playing together on the bouncy castle

Everyone enjoying their birthday snacks. Finlay seems to be surrounded by girls.

Finlays Spiderman birthday cake

Lewis enjoying being pushed around by Finlay

Rather windswept at the top of Arthurs Seat

Finlay dressed as a scuba diver

Finlay getting to know the chickens