Lewis's Blog - Month 08

Lewis's Blog (Month 8)

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Months: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Month 8

Lewis has taken to sitting up on his own this month and is enjoying his new view of the world. He has taken to playing with toys much more too, and is trying to reach out and grab things. It won't be long before he starts crawling, as he is already moving backwards on all fours, there may be trouble ahead… He is flourishing with his eating, trying anything including corn on the cob, we are hoping he likes turnips with the ton we have harvested from the garden.

Nik donned a Teletubbie suit again (any excuse) and ran the Moray half marathon. It was a scorcher of a day but Nik managed it in a superb time of 1hr 52mins. Apart from the fun of doing it, the real reason was raising money for Finlay's nursery for an outdoor play area.

We had a trip to France to see Steve and Judy, and Paddy and Don who were out at the same time. We had lots of trips to the beach making sandcastles, drawing people in the sand and playing in the sea, and a trip to a Dinosaur park where Finlay enjoyed roaring at the dinosaurs and digging for fossils. We also relaxed by the pool (in toddler terms this meant swimming, playing in the sandpit, on the swings, and generally doing anything apart from sitting still! At least Lewis was happy playing in a pink car watching his big brother, a tiring occupation in itself.

We also had a birthday party that Finlay attended at Hoodles for one of his nursery playmates plus a BBQ at one of Nik's works colleagues..

Lewis getting to grips with corn on the cob.

Finlay playing in the waves with Daddy in France.

Ooops! I think I've got

some sand over me!

Finlay's first picture with arms and legs on a body.

Nik running in the Moray Half Marathon.

Lewis loved being pushed on the swing by Finlay.

Lewis playing in the pink car walker.

Lewis on a slide in a play park in France.

The Vineiers gave Finlay a bunch of the wine grapes they were harvesting!

Finlay uncovering fossils in the sand

at Dinosaur World.

Finlay after his ice cream - can you guess which flavour.

Lewis has his eye on Finlay eating

another ice cream.