Lewis's Blog - Month 07

Lewis's Blog (Month 7)

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Months: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Month 7

Lewis has made his first foray into the world of solid foods this month. After an initial reluctance i.e. he closed his mouth completely when a spoon came near him, we have found that he loves whole food, such as broccoli spears and carrots. So we just place a selection of the food we're eating on his high chair and he just helps himself. The dexterity is amazing and he chews vegetables and meat well with just gums, often resembling an old man with no teeth. He now weighs 15.9 lb (7kg).

We had a trip south for a BBQ with Nik's old work (Provensis) and made a weekend of it staying with Stafford, Lisa, Emily and Harry in a hotel. We survived taking both boys on the sleeper though Nik didn’t get a huge amount of sleep sharing the top bunk with fidgety Finlay. Lewis on the other hand slept really well with the rocking of the train. Finlay loved playing with Emily especially when they discovered they both love Scooby Doo and Lewis liked playing on the swings and slide at the playpark. We also toured the sights of London and went to the aquarium.

The following weekend was very busy with a trip to Duthie Park with Finlay's playmates and introducing Lewis to McPuddock the frog. We then hosted the nursery summer party in our field where approx. 40 toddlers and parents (130 in all) had fun playing stone-and-spoon race, 3 legged race, sack race, tug of war and jumping on a bouncy castle. Then, while the marquee was up, the next day we had our summer party, and the marquee saved us from the thundery showers – a true Scottish summer BBQ.

It was a big month for Finlay, because he has moved up to the pre-school "Eagles" at nursery, which he really likes. He also started swimming lessons on his own, with Mummy and Lewis sat on the side watching. He is doing really well and with goggles, now loves putting his face in the water, although his teacher commented that he was putting his head in and out so much he was resembling woody the woodpecker. Finlay has also started Kindergym where they get to do forward rolls, balance bar, monkey bars etc. Lewis enjoys watching it all.

Finally, we also managed a week's holiday in the Peak District meeting up with the Truscott and Miller families. Lewis loved having cuddles with everyone and Finlay had a great time playing with Alastair and Katie. We went on a bike ride with the boys in a trailer, went to a toy museum, Alton Towers plus numerous play parks which had fabulous water jets - one wet happy Finlay. And to finish the month, Duncan and Verena and their three girls came to visit. So with 5 under 5s in the house it certainly wasn’t quiet but was great fun.

Finlay with "Alfred" the nursery teddy, to take on our adventures with us.

Finlay and Lewis on the see-saw.

All the boys in a big swing.

Finlay enjoying seeing the sights around London,

with Alfred in tow.

Lewis likes to feed himself when he gets the chance.

Lewis has a go on a swing on his own.

Finlay in the nursery picnic stone-and-spoon race.

Finlay & Lewis in a bike trailer in the Peak District,

Lewis seems very interested in the lolly.

Lewis & Finlay asleep after their ride,

only Alfred didn't fall asleep!

Finlay in the middle of a water-play-park.

Lewis having a good munch on

beetroot sandwiches.

Lewis enjoyed climbing the trees with


Nik and Annie on their Peak District balloon ride

(top right).